And Behind Door #1


Dear Mr. Pants:

Why do humans close doors? Don’t they know that as soon as they do that, we HAVE to see what is going on in there? Especially since we cats are such curious creatures, shutting that door makes us want to go into that room even more. Why can’t they just leave the doors open?


Meelo peeking in.jpg

Dear Meelo:

Humans want something they refer to as privacy, especially if there are other humans in the house. But what they might not understand is that those rules do not apply to us pets. First, we want to see what is going on in every room. It might be for curiosity’s sake or possibly to scout the room for invaders. In addition, we love our humans and want to be with them. That closed door prevents that. And in many cases we will find a way around it by either opening the door on our own or crying and whining to be let in. Let’s face it humans, when you have a pet, privacy goes right out the window. So keep those doors open, a least a smidge so we can come and go as we please.

Mr. Smart T. Pants


Surfin Safari


Giving You The Paw